Early on in my photographic journey, I realized the importance of developing a portfolio or webpage to showcase my work. Especially since I had aspirations of taking this hobby to the next level. It was quite daunting at first. So many platforms to choose from with varying degrees of difficulty and a plethora of pricing options. I was stumped and ended in a seemingly endless loop of trying to put my portfolio together, until I never got around to doing it.
It was a random revelation when I realized being an Adobe Creative Cloud subscriber, there was an integrated portfolio feature; creatively named "Adobe Portfolio". I got this feeling I couldn't explain, it just felt right for my needs. Very easy and intuitive to put together; well integrated with the Adobe Suite of applications I used - and it was included in my subscription. Lo and behold I developed what you see below:

It was a very functional, responsive and well-presented page that showcased my work in the simplest of terms. Ideal for what I needed, there and then.
Which moves me on to the next stage. It had been months at this point running this page as it was. The portfolio was starting to feel basic, I was itching to rebuild and expand. That's when I found myself almost at the beginning point all over again. I knew if I was going to do this, I just had to take the plunge and pick a platform. Wix was one such platform that I had seen advertised and from what I had read, was postively reviewed. "This is it!" the ever enthusiastic voice in my head exclaimed. No hesitation, I signed up and took that plunge.
I went through the motions of setting up the page. Each stage passed by and questions answered as to what this page would be used for. Picked themes, colours and layouts - the obligatory bish, bash, bosh - before I knew it I had a skeleton of a site. I couldn't believe it, once I had got past the fear of feeling out of my depth, the process became more and more intuitive. A bit of editing here and some tweaking there. Upload media for this and customize text and layouts for that.
And that is where we find ourselves at this moment. You, a reader of this blog, and me; an aspiring photographer and potential blogger. I do hope you are pleased with this website, my photographs and my words. Pleased enough that you will join me on this journey. Therefore, if any of my works and travel interests are something you are keen to follow - please bookmark this page or subscribe to this blog.
I am keen to meet and talk with like-minded people, so feel free to contact me through my social channels linked on this page or contact me direct through the site. I am a responsive person and will look to respond to any enquiries as soon as possible.
So here is to the development of this page, to photography, to travels - but more importantly - to us!
Yours sincerely,
Gerald Perey